…I feel inspired and enthused, and confident now that I have a plan of action for tackling the next step in my career, with an eye on my long terms dreams too!
… An amazing life changing and encouraging course … Realise what I really want to do.
… Thought provoking and interesting and stimulates self-examination in an encouraging and optimistic way (without being patronising).
… Great at really getting to the heart of the many issues I faced and, most importantly,allowed me to get to my own “Aha” moments, making me question a lot of my
pre-conceived ideas and helping me through a very challenging year. Highly valuable and greatly
I have progressed so much … All in line with my career plans … been so purposeful in my life.
… Invaluable … Provided me with an opportunity to explore and discover options available to me ina supportive, focused and enquiring way… I explored concepts, ideas and options that I would not
have explored had I not undertaken the process. In the end I felt confident that the decisions I had
made were right for me and that I had made them on an informed basis.
By focusing on getting clarity on my values, signature strengths and interests I have developed areally practical guide to help assess which step to take next in my career and which dead-end to
avoid. It has made a big difference in helping me feel in control of my career whilst remaining open
to opportunities.
… Was superb – it is one of the best things I have ever done for myself and my career! At the startof the process I was feeling despondent, frustrated and directionless with my career … Worked out
what was important to me in my career, and therefore what I needed to focus on (or eliminate!) so
that I could take control again and move forward in the direction I wanted to go. The process led me
to confirm that the path I was on wasn’t what I wanted, but also helped me to see that smaller
changes than I at first anticipated may actually be a good step towards my ultimate goals … Not only
helped me through this transition point in my career but has given me the lasting tools to address
further transitions as they arise in the rest of my career.
Provided me with deep insight into what I was seeking to achieve in my career and what strengths,skills and experiences I brought to my work. This was done in a way that got to the heart of what I
enjoyed, took satisfaction from and ultimately enabled me to define for myself what ‘success’ would
look like. Through this work I was able to determine not only the next role to pursue but also the
development opportunities I would seek out over the short and medium term.
Identifying my priorities, personal goals and career values was hugely beneficial. I now have moreconfidence in my career direction and a clearer path towards achieving my career aspirations.
I was feeling exhausted and pretty cynical … was pivotal in turning that around. I’ve now got a new,fresh perspective. Quite apart from the personal benefit for me, I think my employer is getting a
fantastic return on the investment made.
Wonderful in helping me to think about my challenges in a different and more constructive way.
I really only have positive things to say … Despite my tendency to second guess every decision Imake, I genuinely believe in the priorities I’ve identified through this process. I have begun
networking, have scheduled my first ‘career check’ for the end of this year and am thinking about
ways I can assert my preferences in my current job. It’s the most proactive I’ve been about my career
for quite some time.
Prompted me to change my definition of success, it gave me a set of tools and perspectives that Iknow I will use throughout my career to leverage my strengths and achieve fulfilment in whatever I
choose to do. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to do this work at a relatively early
stage in my career.
It is not often at a senior level you get challenged to think about your career without the constraintsof your previous experiences. Being challenged to think outside of the box, to draw what was
important to me from all aspects of my life and providing structure for me to put that into a career
plan for the future. It was great to discover that I am comfortable I am on the right track as this gives
me huge confidence in my career future.
The process opened my awareness as to what was possible to achieve with a career change whilstat the same time giving absolute clarity to the type of environment and organization I wanted to
work in. The process not only helped with my choice of career but also other my aspects of my
professional life – improving my performance and capability and confidence to take on new
Sometimes the roadway to career success is plotted with road works, detour signs and all sorts oftraffic hold ups! I was able to sort through the diversions and identify the best pathway for me to
take. The process challenged my traditional thinking and as a result I was confident to attempt new
routes and try new ways. I highly value what it has given me and would recommend the process to
anyone who is questioning their career direction.
I am in my new job and I am loving it …. Built my confidence to believe I was capable of the jobs Iwas applying for.